Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Part-3-Athon Day 16: Dracula 3: Legacy

Welcome to my Part-3-athon movie marathon, where every day during the month of October I will be posting a video review of a different THIRD entry in a horror/sci-fi series for which I have NEVER seen parts 1 and 2.

Here is Dracula 3: Legacy


Justin Garrett Blum said...

I would definitely watch this.

Going off on a tangent, why isn't there a cable channel that specializes in horror movies? I'd love to do programming for a channel like that.

Donald said...

Hmmm. I just googled "horror channel" and there is one... but it's only available in the UK.

Justin Garrett Blum said...

If I were ambitious and had venture capitalist friends, I'd start that station. You'd be the on-air talent.

Donald said...

Bring on Joe Flaherty to do Count Floyd. Remember him?

Justin Garrett Blum said...

I wonder who I'd have to pay more at this point: you or Joe Flaherty?

Mugato said...

On DirectTv I have a chennel named CHILL. It's supposed to be all horror type stuff, but it sucks.

I'm very surprised that you actually found a movie worth watching. For a low budget film, that looked very well done.