Sunday, August 29, 2010

Casino Royal

I was going to watch the Emmy Awards this evening, until I went through the channels and saw that Casino Royal was on ABC. This is one of those movies that, if it's on, I have to watch. It's simply not up for discussion. Now, I'm not going to give some typical, long-winded, overwritten review of this film. I'm just going to say this: This movie is friggin' awesome and it's on ABC right now. Go watch it.


Donald said...

One thing I'll say about this movie, however, is that it does drag a bit. It's just way too long. I say that as a fan who does love this movie, but I just love certain parts more than others. It starts so strong, that the middle portion is going to seem a little light in comparison. It gets really good once the poker tournament starts, but once that's over, I tune out. It just keeps going, has him naked with his balls being whacked with a rope, he goes to Venice, etc.

Justin Garrett Blum said...

Probably one of my favorite movies of the aughts. I don't think it ever drags, though I will admit that it's a lot of movie.