Monday, January 3, 2011

In Memoriam: Pete Postlethwaite (1946-2011)

Oh no!

Sometimes celebrity deaths really hit hard. Not because you know the person, not because you feel for their families, and not because of any regrets they might've had about the things they left undone. Sometimes it hits hard because they were so good at what they did that their films and performances brought joy to the world and it's heartbreaking to think they'll never do that again.

Pete Postlethwaite was one of the best, and he will be missed. I think I'm gonna go watch Jurassic Park 2.


tep said...

I just watched "The Town" last night, and was thinking what a good actor he was. And then, he died! Careful Denzel....

Justin Garrett Blum said...

Pete Postlethwaite is the kind of actor who should have been in every movie, but wound up only being in movies I didn't see.

I did love him in JP2, though.